Clinics and Services for Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders

Do you know where to find your nearest clinic for women and girls with bleeding disorders? The Foundation for Women & Girls With Blood Disorders created a handy map depicting all the centers that provide specialized services for women, girls, and people with the potential to menstruate. The map also differentiates between centers that focus on sickle cell disease and those that focus on bleeding disorders, so you are able to find the appropriate care for you and your loved ones.
This map shows that while not every Hemophilia Treatment Center in the country has a dedicated center for women and girls, there are still quite a few HTC’s that have pledged to offer these specialized services to their community. But this is definitely an amazing start and it ultimately helps more women get a proper diagnosis and the care they deserve. I hope to see more of these centers spring up across the country, so no women or girls are left underserved!
To access this map and all the other wonderful resources offered by the FWGBD:
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