College Health & Wellness

Posted on behalf of NHF Intern & Victory for Women Community Member: Dejah
Transitioning into college life can be a stressful time as there are many things that take getting used to. Managing your health during college is very important as it is one thing you want to remain consistent. Creating and maintaining a balance between your school work and personal health can be challenging however there are many ways to overcome these challenges.
The first resource to become acclimated with is your health care access at school. Access can refer to the student health center on campus, pharmacy and emergency protocols. As a college student, there are many things that will be left to you to figure out and work through independently. When starting college, be sure to map out where your student health center is and make a visit just to see what services they have to offer you. It is also important to choose a pharmacy near you to refill any prescriptions you may have. Often, the pharmacy on campus will offer certain prescriptions at a lower cost than a retail pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS. College campuses are not exempt from emergencies. Be sure that you familiarize yourself with the protocols within your dorm for both health and campus emergencies. There is always contact information for your RA available that you can use to seek further medical assistance if needed.
Health and wellness throughout the college experience can waiver as there are many aspects to the topic. Aside from making regular appointments and check-ups, you want to be sure that you are giving your body the proper nutrients to take on college life. Many people have heard the term Freshman 15, but we want to prevent our dietary habits from becoming lifelong restrictions. Be sure to indulge in moderation and eat consciously. Wellness on campus can range from gym access to counseling. If you have a likeness for exercise, don’t hesitate to go to the gym or attend workout classes! Counseling and therapy are another resource often available on college campuses. If you ever feel alone or just need someone to listen, be sure to make an appointment at your school. For more information on the transition to college, feel free to visit this website:
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